(i) Students Union
The R.G.Baruah College Students Union is the general body of the students of the College. Its membership is compulsory for every student admitted to the College.
The office bearers of the Union are elected annually through the method of indirect voting on the basis of merit, regularity of attendance, sincerity, punctuality, obedience and good conduct. The contesting candidate should have experience in the field in which he/she intends to contest.
(ii) Information and Career Guidance Cell
The Information and Career Guidance Cell was constituted in 2001 with the following aims and objectives:
To provide information regarding careers, especially entrepreneurship.
To create awareness about self employment and entrepreneurship as a career option among students.
To provide basic information about the opportunities for self- employment and entrepreneurship and support systems available.
(iii) Guide-Teacher Cell
The College has introduced “Guide-Teacher Concept” to look after student’s academic and extra-curricular activities, streamlining their potential in the right direction. According to the Concept a group of 15-20 students are assigned to a teacher to look after their academic and other pursuits. They sit twice a month or more according to their convenience and discuss their problems and the teacher helps them for finding solutions. At the time of filling up forms for their final examinations, students have to take clearance from the Guide- Teacher Cell.
(iv) Extension Education Centre
The term extension is itself explanatory. As an affiliated college, the College got some limitations to offer the extra curricular activities to its students, therefore, the college authority has started the Extension Education Centre to fulfill the extra-curricular needs of the students. The centre of the college has been successfully running various courses like several SIRD training courses, yoga training courses etc. In future more and more job oriented courses and training programmes are to be undertaken within the purview of the centre.
(v) R.G.B.C Alumni Association
The formation of Alumni Association is a sincere effort on the part of the College to keep in touch with past students of the College. The College holds regular meetings with the past students in order to maintain a close relationship with them and also to involve them in the further development of the College.
(vi) Women Studies Cell:
The College has a women Studies Cell which is actively associated with the women related activities. The teaching and non-teaching women staff alongwith the girl students of the College are the members of the cell. It organizes various programmes under its banner.