(i) The College Magazine
The College Magazine is the medium for developing literary and other potentialities of the students. It publishes articles and creative write ups contributed by students and teachers in Assamese, Bengali, English and Hindi, and reviews of educational, cultural, social and sports activities of the College. The Magazine is published by a student editor under the guidance and supervision of an Editorial Board comprising teachers.
(ii) Radha Govinda Baruah College News Letter
A Newsletter is published annualy by the College covering news of the various activities of the institution.
(iii) Wall magazines
Surjyamukhi:Wall magazine of Assamese Department
Nabankur:Wall magazine of Bengali Department
Graffiti:Wall magazine of English Department
Jnanam: Wall magazine of Education Department
Oekonomous:Wall magazine of Economics Department
Mahak:Wall magazine of Hindi Department
The Ellipse:Wall magazine of Mathematics Department
Pratiti:Wall magazine of Political Science Department
Apora:Wall magazine of Women Studies Cell
Terabyte:Wall magazine of Computer Science Department